This committee was founded to assist the Board of Directors in those issues directly related to production, regulations, and policies in Biotechnology.  Due to its cross nature, it also supports the activities of the other committees in its area of concerns. It started operations in October 2002, and to date, it has carried out many activities. Among these, it has participated notably in seminars and forums on the development of matters related to the genetically modified crop production.

Among the committee activities are participation in defining the attitude that ANPROS has on the issue of Biotechnology. It created, with the Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, (the Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service), the Manual of proceeding for the Management of Propagation of Live and Modified Vegetable Organisms, that is connected to the regulatory aspects for the protection of the environment, and for maintaining traceability of materials entering the country.  This manual is also useful to learn the obligations of the companies and the Service during the processing of imports and production/evaluation of genetically modified materials, to standarize criteria among the regional SAG offices and their inspectors.